I'm Debbie Levy, author of
The Year of Goodbyes and other books for young people of all ages. I'm also the daughter of Jutta Salzberg Levy, the main--and real-life!--character in
The Year of Goodbyes.
To learn more about me and the books I've written, please visit my website,
Debbie Levy Books.
If you're interested in having me present
The Year of Goodbyes or
The Poesiealbum Project to your school, library, or organization, please email me at
Debbie and Jutta at a Washington, D.C. book signing |
Sharing The Year of Goodbyes, Chevy Chase, Maryland event |
Chevy Chase event |
Debbie and Jutta at American Library Association convention, Washington, D.C. |
Visiting a school in Virginia Beach, Virginia |