What This Is

The Year of Goodbyes: A True Story of Friendship, Family, and Farewells (Disney-Hyperion Books 2010) tells the story of my mother's last year living as a Jewish girl in Nazi Germany in 1938. At the heart of that book is my mother's poesiealbum. That's poesie + album = poetry album. Think: autograph album.

During 1938, my mother had friends and relatives fill her poesiealbum with thoughts, wishes, and drawings that she carried with her across an ocean to a new life.  To see some of those original pages, click on the Originals tab.

Now I'm inviting readers to continue the tradition. The Home tab includes pages that have been created by The Year of Goodbyes readers.

If you'd like to participate in this Poesiealbum Project, click on the Create tab.  Whether you are a student, or decades past your school days, I welcome your "poesies."

Read. Think. Write.

Scroll down to view The Year of Goodbyes video.

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